A lot of people have this idea that a website should cost loads of money at the start and then more for an ongoing budget to administer and add new content. This doesn`t have to be the case if you use some of the tools that are available free of charge.
Depending on your content (a musician website is good for this, for example) you can monetize it by allowing adverts direct from
Google Adsense or if you have good quality and interesting videos which are produced on a regular basis you can look at becoming a
Youtube Partner, hooking up your content and receiving a share of click revenue with yet another fabulous tool/department from Google.
If you connect all your different accounts (like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger) to your website you can draw in fans from each platform and also optimise the time it takes for you to add new posts on each of these platforms. There are plenty of widgets available to copy and paste into your website CMS. Here is the
Twitter example on this link.
New posts usually mean more potential earnings which you can offset against your initial outgoings and budget for upkeep. Keep on posting and get hooked up! Get your fans and visitors clicking and start earning!
Check out some of the
IC247 internet marketing services here